Thursday, June 3, 2010

Things made with Hands

Well with my hands that is. They are things and I made them. I love to make things with my hands and then get them the hell out of my house. I seem to keep very few of the finished products that I manage to concoct. I have all this time I spend watching tv and that just isn't enough for me. I have trouble sitting there and watching.

I have to do something else as well.

This probably means I need medication or a crack to the head or something similar.

But for your enjoyment here are the things I have made recently.

This cute little Cthulhu pattern was taken from one of my favorite blogs Cthulu Crochet

I also tend to get alot of my patterns from Ravelry as free is the best.

This pattern can be found here.

I decided he didn't need the legs but I couldn't resist those adorable antennae.

Come on.......admit just let loose a squee of joy at how cute he is.

I was pretty proud of this guy as he was my first knitted creation.

Back on the crochet front I decided that these little owls were just so adorable I was willing to pay to know how they were made.

The pattern and many more adorable creatures can be found over at Reeneegurmi's or as I now call it the Palace of Adorable.

This one went to a friends daughter.

I then spent a good portion of the night watching said friend shake it and say "Hootie Hoo" at her daughter's face

That's right....Hootie Hoo.

I love my friends.

This was 2 hours of my life that I wasn't really using anyway to create something that will be loved like crazy.

Next are these adorable Monster Chunks

These little guys were found through Ravelry
Which is a fantastic site to keep track of your projects, yarn and also has an amazing user created library of free patterns of all kinds.
A woman I work with has requested that since I plan on making these to get rid of extra yarn anyway would I be ok with her donating them through her church?
Of course I am.
These little guys will continue to multiply and will go on to homes with kids less fortunate as well as to children in the hospital and I couldn't be any happier.
That's all for now. Maybe if I keep making I will keep blogging, but my attention span being what it is that is a 50/50 shot at best.
As always please feel free to contact me with requests.

Tuesday, September 1, 2009

Books! Books! Books!

Having recently gotten a kindle I have gone somewhat overboard. Like I just finished this frustrating not very well written book. I have a love/hate relationship with this author and her entire Fae series.

However...I am loving my new kindle. I like being able to read whatever I want and people can't tell. It could be anything but since I am reading they also don't want to interrupt me to ask. It's wonderful!!

I won't be updating this much as I have never been much of a blogger but I will come back soon with finished crochet projects and other such nonsense. For now I am off to read book 4 of the Mercy series. I will be good and will sooth me after the fae books of doom.
